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Which is best for Earning Blogging OR Youtube

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Which is best for Earning Blogging OR Youtube

This is a very important topic for those people who wanna earning online. I always find the beginners in the confusion that what is a good platform for earning. This is a very confusional question that most of the beginner search. In this blog, I compare Blogging and Youtube earning tell you the easiest and fast way for online earning. 
Before starting my blog I tell you that online earning is really easy but requires most will give a lot of time both youtube either blogging. That is why both are difficult as well as easy. You spent a lot of time on your blogging platform or youtube but I clear that both platforms good for earning.

Youtube Channel

You may start a youtube channel if you want to start online earning. The earning on youtube is very easy but it requires a lot of your time. Suppose imagen that you start a beauty and health channel and you start it. In this, cause you should read blogs and watch many videos for collecting knowledge then you will make a video then publish.
At a daily level for making and publishing videos on youtube, you give almost Three hours or more or less. I this is very difficult for beginner level but if you make it your habit then you may soon maintain your time at a daily level.

How much time required for starting earning on youtube.

This depends on all on you and the content type that you create and give your audiences. I saw many youtube channels who get their adsence approved in Three or four months. I also saw many youtube channels that not get Approved from Google AdSense in One year. That depends on you.and your content. Make sure that your content is really good and most attractive for your audience that will really good for you and your youtube channel,


Blogging is a really good profession for you but it also required huge time and big hardworking. some years ago blogging was a very good profession but nowaday technology progress and people lose their reading skills that is why blogging is not a good profession for those people who want earning easily and ver fast .that is why blogging is the good but very slow source of earning.
if you want to earn very soon and very early you not start a blog you may start a youtube channel that is really and a good source of earning for you and your family that I explained above.

How much time required for starting earning on blogging

Although this is a rule of Google Adsense that The website That owns by its owner more than six months that is applicable for approving in google AdSense that is why the blogs who are intermediate on the base of their content must require more than one year for earning.
I also saw many blogs that get approved in Three or five months. That also depends on your content.


Actually, Modern people prefer to watch videos than reading Articles that is way Youtube is an easy and fast way for online earning.

About Ezeem Malik

Ezeem Malik

Hay ! I am Ezeem Malik.I am website developer and Wordpress Expert

By the way, I am not a professional writer, nor have I written any specific blogs before today. I am actually a website developer and I have a lot of information about WordPress and blogger. My goal is to provide my fans with the best of the best information in technology. In this place where I write blogs about technology, I provide WordPress and blogger free themes to my fans.

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