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Html Basic Tags

Html Basic Tags

                                      When it comes to our mind what is an HTML and what is its basic form,  I'll tell you which are the most important tags in HTML and which tags are most commonly used in HTML. It's very easy to know that HTML tags are many. These are simple tags, which is the name of a simple tag written inside an angle bracket gate, which is then closed after YOUR CONTENT, so tell you that it is very easy.  let's see some of the most important tags of HTML

HTML Headings

HTML headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags:

HTML Paragraphs

HTML paragraphs are defined with the <p> tag:

About Ezeem Malik

Ezeem Malik

Hay ! I am Ezeem Malik.I am website developer and Wordpress Expert

By the way, I am not a professional writer, nor have I written any specific blogs before today. I am actually a website developer and I have a lot of information about WordPress and blogger. My goal is to provide my fans with the best of the best information in technology. In this place where I write blogs about technology, I provide WordPress and blogger free themes to my fans.

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